Saturday, March 22, 2008

Can You Say Neville Chamberlain?

Neville Chamberlain? Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain by appeasing Hitler even though his intentions were well meaning allowed Hitler to begin taking Europe state by state. Then like now the world felt powerless to stand up to a nation that frightened them. This time that nation is China that still demonstrates qualities right out of the dark ages of brutal warlordism. This time it is the whole world not confronting China's treatment of the Tibetans. Next year or the year after it won't just be the Tibetans and Tibetan culture that will lay exterminated but Taiwan, Thailand, India, Australia, Japan, you name it.

The brutal warlordism in the guise of extreme capitalism out of China will not stop until all nations of earth are under its economic manipulation.

I once knew someone here in the United States that was not safe to have as a friend or an enemy. I didn't know what to do with that person. I had never encountered anyone that dangerous in my life before. I feel about China that way now. I understand how China got to where it is. There are just so many people there that the only way China has learned to survive is to deny the rights of any minority. Other countries including the US have done this in past centuries to native Americans and Blacks and other minorities. However, in most of the modern world this, in the main has gone away. However, in China it is the same as it was 500 years ago there in the sense that if you are a minority in China, either prepare to lose your culture completely or prepare to die. In China, there is no other option.

The rest of the world sits and watches in horror. The rest of the world has tried to encourage China into Capitalism and into democracy and democratic socialism. China has taken to Capitalism with a ferver unseen in a long time. But China has also held on to its policies of taking away the rights of any of its people on a whim. Not only taking away their rights but just as easily taking their lives. People sort of just disappear in China like they have for centuries and nothing is ever said about it by them again. It is sort of like people just disappear as if they never existed before!

The rest of the world watches China in horror because what China does is the very worst quality of living in denial that most present day humans have ever seen!

We, the people of the world are creating China into another Hitler by our inaction!
If China goes on slowly taking over the civilized world directly and indirectly in this way with impunity then it is the other 5 billion people's fault for not confronting China!

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