Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Primordial. This is what I remember. If you are one of the dreams of Joseph like me then you will remember too. Once this galaxy we call the Milky Way didn't exist. However, many other Galaxies existed. Joseph was a teenager of a species that creates and lives in Galaxies. Joseph is still alive today. He is just sleeping and recreating himself by incarnating as mortals like you and I. By dreaming he is mortal he will begin to move past the boredom of living billions of years and being an immortal and thereby recreate himself and renew himself and one day he will wake up once again and be young.

Before the Milky Way Galaxy was created, Joseph grew up as an energy being that doesn't breathe air, doesn't drink water, doesn't eat any food but pure energy or pure antimatter. Joseph's species creates galaxies out of what you call dark matter but I would call the primal physical stuff of the universe. Let's just call dark matter the primal ooze.

Joseph's species of Galaxy Creators started as little sparks in the primal ooze the scientist now call dark matter. As he grew up all the others of Joseph's Galaxy Creator species began to realize that Joseph was very special. Only about one in a billion of the Galaxy creators actually created a galaxy. 9 out of 10 who actually tried to create a galaxy died by starvation in trying to do so. However, the elders started to notice that Joseph was first 1 in 10, then 1 of one thousand, then one of a million and finally they noticed he was that one in a billion, a potential creator of his own galaxy. The creator of his home galaxy took him under his wing so to speak and told Joseph his story of how he drifted away from his home galaxy as a young Creator in order to become a contemplater of deep things. The Elder Creator of Joseph's home galaxy then said, "My girlfriend when I was younger came to visit me in the primordial ooze. I guess she realized I might make a galaxy for her if we had children. She was right. Though it exhausted me for a time to do it, I started to move the primal ooze first toward matter and then toward antimatter at greater and greater velocity. Being a female Creator this nourished our children forming in her womb. After a time our children were born and we all watched all the beautiful constellations being born as we floated in space. Out of the neutral primordial ooze we had created a galaxy just like infinite generations before us had done. The mother of my children and I were happy in this."

Joseph looked at the Elder of his Galaxy and said, "I just want to contemplate the nature of the universe! I don't want to have to create a galaxy. That's just too much responsibility that never ends! The Elder looked at Joseph and smiled because this is pretty much what he had said to the Elder that had mentored him into creating a galaxy.

Soon Joseph left to float in the Primal ooze far away from any galaxy in the void of space. For millions of years Joseph drifted there happy. One day his old girlfriend, Dawn came to him. He was very happy to see her. She said, "Can I stay here with you?" Joseph said, "Won't you be lonely?" Dawn said, "You are my reason for living. Why should I be lonely?" Joseph said, "Remember it's just me and the primal ooze and a really good view of all our families ancient galaxies." Dawn said, "I know."

So they drifted happily for millions of years more.

One day Dawn said to Joseph, "I'm pregnant Joseph." Joseph kind of knew this would happen. He was surprised at his own reaction to the news. He said to Dawn, "I'm happy for us, Dawn. Dawn said, "So am I. Do you think we will survive this?" Joseph said, "The elder of our galaxy told me this would happen. He also said I'm a lot like him. It just might be okay." Dawn said,"Good" and smiled.

Joseph had psychologically prepared for this moment not being stupid and started to oscillate the primal ooze(dark matter) that they were floating in like two otters in the seaweed in the ocean, back and forth between matter and antimatter.(because the primal ooze(dark matter) is neither really matter or antimatter yet.

As he rhythmically oscillated back and forth Dawn began feeding on the explosive energy streams. Joseph had to be careful because these streams burned him. Only a pregnant female Galaxy Creator could withstand such powerful energy streams. He usually just fed on the excess sparks from the generations and oscillations.

Finally, one day he watched Dawn give birth to their first children. Their children were happy and silly to see them. Dawn and Joseph and all their children were very happy. Telepathic blessings and greetings came from all their billions of relatives from their home galaxy and from all their relatives that had created all galaxies.

Since a galaxy is a matter saucer like shape with an antimatter core to hold it together(scientists call these antimatter cores black holes) Joseph had built a sustainable galactic structure that only needed to be tweaked periodically to yield the best matter energy and antimatter energy streams for his wife and their females when they had children and he and his sons would eat the extra sparks. One day Joseph would train one of his progeny just like the Elder of his home Galaxy had him, to go out and start another galaxy. One day that one in a billion would arise spontaneously!

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