Saturday, October 7, 2017

Trump got elected to prevent human extinction?

I had been sick since Trump got elected because as a precognitive psychic I knew what would happen pretty much exactly if he got elected as President (from November until February). Actually, what I'm experiencing now as a U.S. citizen is even worse than what I expected so far with Trump as president because he is destroying the reputation and fabric of America both for American citizens around the world but also for everyone in the world.

However, as I wracked my brain to try to understand why Trump was even allowed to be president by the world I finally was shown.

Now this, is beyond anything I have ever seen before. But, apparently this is what actually happened. UN and US and other time cadres of specific nations found out that if Hillary was elected the human race went extinct between 2080 and 2090. It is nothing really she does at all but somehow because she is civilized and Trump is uncivilized this reduces human population drastically.

As a result they started doing research into what situation actually prevented the earth turning into an asteroid belt like Maldek did out past Mars 65 million years ago.

Trump is that paradoxical solution.

Apparently he is responsible for so many deaths by various means around the world that it keeps world populations low enough that we don't go extinct (at least not in this century).

Do I expect you to believe this even though I know it is true?

No. not necessarily. If you are not a precognitive psychic like me or someone who can dream the future and see it before it happens then why should you believe me?

However, it appears that this is the case and why he was allowed to be president.

Of course I am assuming that the U.S. , Russia, China, England, France and Germany all still exist as of 2100. I know lots of nations will change their names, forms of governments etc. by then and even governments themselves won't be how we view them now.

I also know that if the Internet is still around we will have lost democracies because the Internet and democracies are not really capable of existing together. So, likely if the Internet still exists in 2100 there will no longer be human rights (at least not the rights we now know in the U.S. and Europe).

So, just watch what happens. Somehow, Trump is responsible for so many many deaths during the next 5 to 10 years and beyond that we don't go extinct. But, we still have to figure out how to survive the next century and the next one after that ongoing to survive as a human race.

However, 500 years from now we would seem like aliens to how we think and feel now still because of all the perceptual and physical changes we make to our world and ourselves.

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