Saturday, October 7, 2017

Why do I find computers interesting?

I think it started the most in seeing Star Trek episodes during the 1960s with William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy. I was intrigued with the idea of building an ideal female companion. To me, what is most important is to be able to converse on interesting subjects together. However, as I went to college with this goal I realized we were at least 50 years away from this level of technology and still are not completely there now without it being a military project costing billions of dollars likely. So, originally I wanted to build myself an ideal companion which would be a complete duplicate of a human female.

Why? I was dating a lot by age 15 but wanted women to think more like men and be less vulnerable and weepy and frightened (this was the 1960s remember). Now, I would have completely different problems with today's females were I in my teens now.

However, by age 21 I had dated so many girls that I had come to like them just the way they were. As a 15 year old I didn't understand fully the complexity of a male and female relationship but I had discovered by 21 onward how this all worked much better and I liked women exactly the way they were. But, I had to have many many experiences before I understood just how complex this interaction is ongoing with everyone.

It made me understand how men get so completely frustrated that they either blow away their mates or themselves. I was grateful I was intelligent enough and personable enough not to have this problem beyond about age 16 when I started to date a girl who was 21 at that time because I owned a car by then. This created a completely different problem for me at the time in that I found high school kids very immature and didn't date any girls under 18 to 20 after that.

Anyway, Truth is stranger than fiction isn't it?

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