Friday, September 7, 2018

You must find ways to protect yourselves from past lives if you are a writer

This is something I first discovered in my teens when I started soul traveling back to other times and spaces. I realized how dangerous it was.

When you are watching a movie it is easier if you don't identify too strongly with the character because the more you identify with a character who gets wounded or tortured or dead this can be harmful to you too.

So, finding a way to distance yourself when you identify too closely with a character in a movie or book is very very important.

It becomes even more important if you believe in reincarnation (any form of reincarnation) because if you identify too strongly it could even result in insanity, a heart attack or a stroke.

The problem with reincarnation is often we as souls attach pretty strongly to a given body. So, if you by accident tune into too deeply to a bad experience in another lifetime it often could be fatal.

So, because of this you might want to either not believe in reincarnation strategically (if you cannot protect yourself sufficiently.

Or you have to do something like I do which is to give a prayer somewhat like this one that I use.

"Dear God, I would like to know whatever is useful to me about all my lifetimes in the past, present or future. However, I don't want to fully experience being tortured, being beheaded or dismembered or lifetimes when I was sick most of my life either physically or mentally or emotionally from PTSD from warfare or abuse and trauma of various kinds.

Please God show me what I need to know about all people I meet that I have connections with whether they are good or bad or neutral connections that I meet in this lifetime from past lifetimes in the past, present or future of Earth or other planets or dimensions.

Thank you, God!

By God's Grace


end prayer

You can use this prayer if you find it useful or create your own to protect yourself and your sanity from harm from other times and lifetimes in the past, present or future.

IF you cannot find a way to protect yourself and your body and your sensibilities, what's the use of even believing in reincarnation in the first place?

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