Thursday, October 18, 2018

World War I until 2030

We had world war I and II and World War II ended with two nukes going off and killing incredible amounts of people in Japan.

This created a situation where no longer could people on earth have big wars without EVERYONE DYING on earth.

So, we don't have big wars anymore.

But, there's a problem. Not enough people use birth control. So, we are overpopulated and in the 6th Great Extinction. Then on top of that we have only 12 years before we reach complete Climate catastrophe.

So, basically what is happening now is that since world War II we went from 2 billion to 8 billion and we would presently be at between 12 billion and 18 billion right now without birth control and abortions. So, likely we would have already gone extinct without birth control and abortions they way they have been practiced in much of the world since the 1960s or so.

But now, governments are not doing what is necessary to stop the climate catastrophe before 2030.

This means that billions may die this century and the human race will slowly depopulate the world through not dealing with climate change.

A solution might be found where people will use birth control enough or have abortions in emergencies but short of that it is difficult to see how the earth doesn't become depopulated through Global Climate change a lot this century and the next.

Will there still be people living on earth 500 or 1000 years from now?

Possibly. But, they will be much different than we are now simply because of all these new factors we will be dealing with the next 500 to 1000 years.

Climate catastrophes likely will cause many if not most governments on earth to collapse. However, governments like we have now in the U.S. and Europe might survive. It's really hard to say at this point. But not if we keep having climate deniers like Trump for presidents.

For example, for now Hurricane Michaels and Florences and much much worse will happen during the next 12 years and what will happen after that I'd rather not say right now.

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