Monday, July 2, 2012


You have all heard of Tums for the tummy to prevent acid reflux. And starting about age 44 or 45 this started to become a problem for me around the time of my divorce. It continued to grow as a problem and I found that it was less of a problem if I didn't eat anything after about 6 pm at night.  So, the last 5 or 10 years I just kept a bottle of Tums on my bedstand next to my bed to prevent night time reflux disasters while I was asleep. Because waking up to choking in bile in my nose and throat and hoping the burning will stop and hoping I can clear the bile from my lungs and not die is really terrible. But until I regularly started just eating one before bedtime this might happen.

But since this is my 5th day now on a Vegan diet I have to tell you that I haven't needed a Tums even once. I have burped and passed gas but it is completely different. On this diet there is no acid reflux which makes me think that acid reflux only comes from carbohydrates, and processed food. That is something for us all to think more about if we want to live very long.

Because acid reflux can in some circumstances lead to cancer of the esophagus and various throat and lung and mouth disorders.
The above button is for any of you interested in learning more about a raw organic vegan juice fast to become more healthy and to lose weight at the same time.

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