Wednesday, March 13, 2013

It's hard to be a writer

 I don't ever have writer's block. It's just not a part of how I function. But that doesn't mean I can publish everything I write. Often it is too personal or I can sense intuitively that it isn't useful for me or for others to publish what I write. Or sometimes I will write something that I think is really good but others aren't ready to hear it and so I delete it usually within 24 hours. So, writing intuitively like I do is a lot of work to do it right. I'm not usually trying to make sure that it is grammatically perfect or that the spelling is perfect. Instead I'm going for "What will help the most people in their lives?" So, that is my meditation as I write. I'm trying to write what will make the most people's life better as possible as I craft my writings. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. But if you don't try, "Nothing ventured Nothing gained!" So,  sensing what is useful and helpful to and for others is really important when you publish online or in article or in book form.

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