Sunday, July 12, 2015

Develop Compassion for yourself

Often in our culture we are put down because we are not perfect enough for some criteria or another, or we are put down because we are too perfect in some way and other people are jealous of us. Either way, life can be suffering.

So, one of the first things is to forgive yourself completely and start over like a new born child in this world. Realize that people often have all sorts of psychological problems and are hating themselves a lot. So, taking this on is self destructive to you. It is their stuff. Don't make it your problem too.

Learn to rise above the pettiness around you and learn to develop first compassion for yourself.

Learning compassion first for yourself and then develop into compassion for all life in the universe. Most people who want to kill themselves feel this way because they don't feel they are perfect enough, or they feel such pressure to maintain their perfectness that they want to off themselves because of the pressure.

So, learning that you are your own criteria in the end and that your compassion for yourself can and will keep you alive (and start to keep alive those around you too). So, you have to let go of any people putting you down. Or at the very least you cannot any longer take them seriously. You are the criteria of your life.

If you give this job to anyone else you might not survive from 15 to 30 let alone to old age.

You are the criteria of your life so create a life you can stand to live.

Because if you don't, Who Will?

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