Friday, July 10, 2015

LIkely under reporting of Heat related deaths worldwide

Where deaths would be reported at all from the heat or from pollution around the world would be areas where the cities are bigger where there are reporters because in a lot of countries it is a matter of pride not to report such things at all. Like, for example, you aren't going to hear about any deaths from the heat in a place like China or North Korea. So, don't expect any figures at all about heat related deaths to come from either of these places.

Other places where you would not have reported heat related deaths would be out in the country in 3rd world nations all over the world. In those kinds of places people would just be dead and likely outside of their family or friends it would not be reported. So, this is something to think about after over 2000 deaths were reported in Karachi, Pakistan and 65,000 were reported to have been in the hospital with heat prostration who likely survived in one form or another at least for awhile.

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