Wednesday, July 19, 2017

The Natural State of a Soul is Pure Being

So, if you want to be in a Pure Soul State you have to overcome human concerns. However, if you don't take physical and mental care of your body it is soon crazy or dead. So, this is another paradox.

However, if you want to be in a pure Soul State for awhile you can let go (when you have time to do this) off all your concerns for awhile and enter a state of Pure Being where time and space do not exist at all.

Probably the biggest obstacle to this would be teachers, parents, employers, like that.

However, if you can get away for a time from all the demands of others or demands you place upon yourself then you can experience "Pure Being" and once again experience the peace and freedom you soul actually experiences.

In this state there is no birth, no death, no fear, no hatred, no problems, no nothing in a way but pure being.

Some people like this state and some are terrified by it. It depends upon the person.

However, if you want to experience what your soul feels all the time this is what it is.

So, incarnation into being things like human beings here on earth is sort of like watching a movie at a theater or watching television. The difference being is that if you don't take care of your body and mind, It dies!

So, be careful of all of this.

This was the main lesson I had to learn once God allowed me to soul travel. I had to value the body God had given me here on earth  enough to take care of my mind and body so I didn't just die in my 20s.

God gave each of us a body and if you don't value it and take care of it you are soon dead or crazy, (one of the two or both).

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