Monday, October 23, 2017

Mt. Shasta is a very healing place

First of all you are away from all the hubbub of City or Suburban life.

Then you are out in the country with this huge mountain that goes up from around 2000 or 3000 feet all the way to 14,161 feet. So, just being around the mountain is very impressive in itself. Then there are also amazing Alpine Lakes nearby with some like Castle Lake you can drive to on a paved road as long as it isn't snowed in from newly fallen snow during the winter. And even if there is snow often it is plowed so you can drive to the edge of Castle Lake even if there is 12 to 15 feet of snow there and look out upon the usually Frozen lake when there is that much snow.

Because of Global Warming I'm not too keen on skiing across the middle of the lake anymore myself because I don't always trust that there is actually ice under the snow across the lake. But, that's just me in these warmer times. So, you literally can have 6 feet of snow on top of Castle Lake and not be sure if there is the 2 feet of ice that you want there under the snow or not to make sure you don't fall through.

So, if I ski on Castle lake now I ski around the edge where even if I fell through I wouldn't be more than waist deep because in the center some places it is more than 400 feet deep from the glaciers that scooped it out long long ago.

Then there are places like Panther meadows that are open only when all the snow melts off. There was a lot of snow this year so I don't think the road up from Bunny Flats was open to Panther Meadows or where the old ski bowl was in the 1950s and 1960s until likely August this year. As of this moment the road is still open but with 3 inches of snow falling last Thursday and Friday it's unknown just how long it will be open if we get 1 foot or more of snow during the next month or two.

So, I find whenever I come here at the very least my spirit heals and often you can feel the mountain 100 or more miles away it is so different than most other places. Another place I have been to where the same mental and psychic clarity happens is when you approach Glastonbury, England which isn't too far from Stonehenge either. You feel the mental clarity of people like Francis Bacon who wrote the Shakespearean plays who was the illegetimate son of Queen Elizabeth I. He was also the father of the Scientific Method. When I was a child I was taken to visit the Francis Bacon library near Los Angeles but now I think it is a part of Pomona College at this point in time.

So, the connections of Saint Germain and Francis Bacon go all the way from London to Glastonbury to Mt. Shasta somehow. So, this spiritual and mental clarity is here if you come and tune into it. Your intuitive gifts will also be enhanced just wandering around Mt. Shasta and the surrounding area if you can calm down enough just to get in sync with it.

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