Thursday, June 21, 2018

You actually wouldn't believe me if I told you what was coming this century!

Jun 18, 2018

I wrote the above piece to demonstrate what it would have been like for someone in 1918 who had just seen the worst Flu Pandemic in modern history decimate the U.S. Army to the point where more men died of Spanish Flu Pandemic than died in World War I. (This is a known fact by the way!)

And I wanted to demonstrate if you were in the U.S. in 1918 and somewhere between 15 and 100 and still competent there would be no real way for you to comprehend what the rest of the 20th century would actually bring.

For example, could you have believed in 1999 the Havoc and 6 trillion dollars that threw the U.S. into the Great Recession and bankrupted the middle Class in a way more than the Great Depression had. And that there wouldn't really be a recovery for the middle class when that happened before 9-11 happened?

No. LIkely you couldn't.

In some ways 9-11-01 ended the healthy middle class we have known and loved since World War II. It was the Coup De Grace (The Graceful quick Death) of the murder of the middle Class of America.

What is Trump but the Rage of the violated Middle Class Whites against everyone else on earth for the rape of the Middle Class by 9-11 and the wasted 6 trillion dollars on a never ending war in first Iraq, then Syria and lastly Afghanistan. And if you actually study history what brought down the Once Powerful Soviet Union was Afghanistan and literally every large nation that tried to conquer or subdue it in any way for thousands of years. So, I propose the fall of the U.S. (if that happens) will be through Afghanistan too.

So, what are we doing in Afghanistan?

So, What does the rest of the century actually bring now?

Even as a precognitive psychic I only know about 10% of what is going to happen this century.

For example, I know there are now 3 times lines instead of the one timeline that existed before

And I also know that having three time lines is an advantage to human survival here on earth instead of just one. 

Because the first one became Armageddon for 99% of humanity on 9-11--01.

And you and I presently live on the 2nd timeline now since Bush read "MY Pet Goat" and through that calmed the world down enough so it didn't completely "NUKE OUT!" this time on the 2nd timeline.

And it wasn't until at least 7028 Ad that a civilization on the first time line actually advanced to the point where it asked the Galactic government to help them start a 2nd timeline. If you actually want to know more about how this all came about. Maybe this grouping might help you more than most things would:

Do I expect you to believe me about all this? No. Because unless you are a precognitive psychic like me it isn't logical for you to believe any of this necessarily. You would have to have seen everything that I have in my life to believe it. But, at least I tried to share the truth with mankind even though most aren't ready yet. But, they will be (enough of them) by 2100 and 2200 where this will be important that I wrote all this. And having written like this it will help others train to be like me too to protect the future of mankind from harm  ongoing in the first 3 timelines and the 2 I'm told will come for a total of 5 that will exist by 2500 AD. All 5 of these will be sanctioned and the first 3 are already sanctioned by the Galactic Sentience by the way who is and has been the leader of the Galactic Government for millions of years already because his species actually built our galaxy and his distant relatives built all the others as well.

Though I say that this is fictional it is not really fictional and only written that way because of the times we lived in in 2002. Now that we are safer (somewhat) from a nuclear armageddon than we were in 2001 and 2002 I can tell you this all actually happened. But, if you came up to me and asked me personally I might have to deny it just like some people who want to keep their jobs and careers deny their UFO experiences too.

There is truth and then there is survival ongoing for everyone.

I'm not the best writer but I am a storyteller like my father and grandfather before me. So, imagine me telling you this true story around a campfire on Mt. Shasta or in the Tetons in Wyoming.

Without enough Truth the people perish.

Maybe these following word buttons would be helpful ?

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