Saturday, July 28, 2018

I can remember being caught in a fire with my parents near Lake Tahoe

We were trying to escape the fire and I was about 10 years old then (likely 1958 or around then) and the fire was coming towards us. But, the gas station had lost power because the power lines had been burnt down and melted in the fire. So, the electricity was out in the little mountain town we were in. So, we were afraid we might burn up just like the gas station attendant was at the time too. So, he drove home and got his gasoline electric generator to get enough electricity to pump gas so he and his customers (Including us) could escape the fire. And so he could escape too. So, he saved us all by doing this. Hopefully, he was okay too after we left.

So, in addition to needing cash to escape a fire you also need gas and if the power lines have burned down unless the gas station gets a gasoline or diesel generator you all could burn up too.

So, it's true you need cash in emergencies because often ATM cards and Credit cards don't work when power lines go down or when satellites cannot be reached to confirm you are who you say you are and the cards are valid. But, it's also true that without electricity you cannot even buy gas or food to escape the fire and survive at all.

This is also true in Floods, hurricanes and Tornadoes as well! And many other events near or far can cause problems too.

So, this is why having cash and if necessary access to a gasoline electric generator big enough to save people's lives in fires, hurricanes, floods and tornadoes and other calamities might be useful too.

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