Saturday, July 21, 2018

Write about what you know about and what you are interested in


Because if you are writing too far out of your real life experience it often shows. People who actually know about what you are writing about when you are out of your own experience area likely aren't going to appreciate what you are writing if you are to far away from your personal life experiences.

However, other times sometimes it is good to just let it all loose too.

When you let it loose you often wind up with something amazing.

This is my experience.

I never usually have writer's block because that is not my nature.

The problem for me often is finding something I'm willing to give enough time to that seems worth my while writing about.

Because once you undertake a project often is is like getting pregnant and then having and raising a baby. It's your baby at every stage and at that point it is a responsibility when you start something sometimes.

You owe it to your self to care for your baby until it is grown up enough to stand on it's own against the world so to speak.

Some people I hear about writing a bunch of stuff and then burning it or throwing it away. This is usually never a good idea. I find that if I write from my subconsicous this is usually best.

This is why I don't get writer's block.

But, it's sort of like if you get a girl pregnant you have a responsibility to not only the girl but to a baby if it gets born. Writing is like this too.

So, maybe you shouldn't start something unless you are also going to finish it?

But then again that's just me. I can't expect everyone to be like me can I?

Even with me I'm terrible at editing. Partly because I'm not trying to get paid for what I do in writing ever.

For me, it's like people who paint at home. You aren't really initially painting for anyone's happiness but your own.

So, when I began to write it was to help me understand myself and others better because I was an only child and there wasn't always someone on my own level that I could talk to about whatever I wanted to know about or about what was bothering me. So, it was always a sort of self therapy of writing. Then later you might read what you wrote a week or a month or a year or 50 years later and you might laugh or go "Wow!" that was who I was then.

For me, writing has always been healing and leading to my own enlightenment or others too. But then again that's just me.

By God's Grace

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