Thursday, September 6, 2018

Do Nation states still have meaning in a Corporate world worldwide?

I'm not sure I even have a useful answer to this question. But I know this question needs to be asked.

Often wars in the past were created by corporations (including world war II) for corporations to get richer making munitions. Now we have nuclear weapons which are so very deadly that large wars like World War II are unthinkable. So, the whole definition of warfare has completely changed. So, more and more warfare is between large corporations.

However, there is another way to look at it too. Russia and China are what could be called "Corporate States" which means the corporations are completely controlled by the government which means they are not free like corporations in the free world. So, this gives unfair advantages to corporate state entities in China and Russia. So, likely what happens then is more nations become corporate states in order to compete with China and Russia especially with China regarding Solar panels in which they sell at below cost.

So, what is a nation state? How do we define a Nation State as opposed to a Corporate State where businesses are subsidized by their government.

And what does this do to the meaning of Nation States in the first place?

All these are relevant questions in the ever changing world we live in.

What is important here is asking questions. I'm not sure I have answers but without answers everyone is sort of obsolete in this world if they aren't a part of a Corporate state if you get what I'm talking about here.

Free corporations cannot compete with Government subsidized corporations, understanding this is everything.

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