Sunday, September 9, 2018

Take any 12 people and have them observe any one thing

Then separate them all so they cannot talk to each other about and and form a consensus like people tend to do to make themselves feel better. Now, interview each person individually and ask them what they observed. You might be surprised to get 12 very different descriptions of what they saw.

The same is true if you are a writer. There is only one moment where you are going to exactly perceive something one way. Then a few moments later it likely will be something different in how you perceive any given moment or experience.

So, reconciling all this for your readers is often a difficult or onerous experience. So, this is often why writers have other people read their works so continuity can be established.

Some people like the discontinuity of just leaving these incongruities in their writings to show that they are real living human beings constantly changing in their lives.

I find it hard sometimes when I write something in 1980, for example, and then I'm trying to add something or modify something and I might not be able to get into the exact mind set I was in in 1980 or 2000 or even 2010 now because there has been so much water under the bridge so to speak in my life. So, as a writer we are all new people every day. Some people don't like to think this way but we are all like rivers of water going under a bridge. We each are different droplets of water every single day and all the cells in our bodies are changing every day too. What we eat goes in one way and out the other and what we think about often changes too especially if we change locations or significant others or friends as we move about the world from everything from vacations to where we choose to live and who we choose to live with or be near to.

Life just keeps changing through the years if you live long enough to see it. The 1950s were crazy in one set of ways, then the 1960s were crazy in another set of ways, all the way up until now where the Trump era is crazy in a new and unheard of way that reminds me the most of Viet Nam War with LBJ and Nixon until Nixon finally had to resign from just telling too many lies. Whereas the Viet Nam war literally killed LBJ eventually. Likely, the same will happen to Trump just like it already has to so many around him. The way this is going he may take down up to 100 people or more that might have to go to jail because of him. I wonder how many lives we aren't hearing about are being snuffed out around all this too to (keep them quiet)?

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