Wednesday, September 19, 2018

The Solar Logos

I was realizing today that what God is guiding me to write about is actually a Vajrayana form of instant  enlightenment that Young Arcane Is experiencing with the Galactic Sentience in Chapter 14 of "Memories Chapter 14"
Memories Chapter 14 His Oneness Goes to New Deva

So, it is the fearlessness of someone entering this type of enlightenment that is necessary. If you fear when going through something this intense you are going to die (no questions asked). So, only when you have your stuff in balance could you even begin to survive Vajrayana (lightning bolt) instant enlightenment.

What is the purpose for this state of consciousness?

It allows you to stay clear headed when everyone around you is completely freaking out. It allows you to be a bastion of sanity when everyone else is losing it. It allows you to be a place of center for people to reach out to in moments of desperation around them.

The Solar Logos wanted you all to understand this today.

By God's Grace

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