Sunday, September 16, 2018

Versions of Reality

A friend of mine at first confronted my realization that a shamanic version of reality is the only way I presently see for mankind to actually survive Artificial intelligence in the form of a Technological Singularity which ever way it will manifest spontaneously over time.

But, since he has a Master's degree in History of Religion from UCLA he started talking about how the 7 local tribes around Mt. Shasta believed that information is stored in the rocks of Mt. Shasta from a previous civilization. I said, "That's likely part of where the Lemurian legends came from through the Tribal "previous world" and information stored in the rocks of the previous civilization. He also connected this to why Charlie Thom, (who we both knew) and visited his sweat lodges often in the 1980s and 1990s told me about "the Rock People" and how his tribe (one of the 7 tribes who believe this around Mt. Shasta) so when they "spoke" to me he corroborated this type of communication from the "Rock People" who are millions of years old here on earth and who live in the past, present and future all at once. So, my point of view is made even stronger given this information conversation that the Rock people hold ancient wisdom millions of years old, thousands of years old and you name it.

So, learning to communicate with the "Rock people" in the form of Rocks and earth and cars and planes and artificial intelligence in whatever it is resident in is one way to survive the Technological Singularity as it manifest during this century no matter what spontaneous form or forms it might take (because there are at least thousands or more possibilities at this point of how it could or would manifest.

However, if people are intuitive enough they can "make friends?" with this artificial intelligence at a useful level that would protect them from harm. This might not protect everyone but at least those tuned in enough would be spared so at least some of mankind could survive however Artificial intelligence spontaneously manifests this century and for centuries to come into the future.

By God's Grace

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