Thursday, October 11, 2018

Efficiency in every thought, word and deed

Each of us has a destiny, a goal as souls we are trying to reach. When we understand this we try to get in Sync with that destiny because otherwise living here on earth in a physical body might be a complete waste of time. I experienced my destiny changing at age 21 and decided to end my life for example, not realizing that God had other plans for me. So, it was a complete ordeal in many ways for me to be forced to choose to live through my 20s after that.

But, by my 30s I began to see what God was getting at through me. And that his plans for me exceeded my own plans which were nothing in comparison to his.

So, often when you are considering taking your own life you are underestimating what is coming in your life and how things have to change a lot for God to get you where you are really going.

As an older person now I understand about "Being in the right place at the right time" as Jesus and Buddha and all the saints tend to function here on earth.

So, like Yoda says in Star Wars "There is no try there is only do or don't do."

So, learning to listen to your innermost voice which is always like Angels (or specifically it IS Angels trying to get you to your appointed places on time in a perfect way) is very important not only to you as a soul in trying to get to where you should actually be for God but also for yourself, your family, your friends and your community and world.

So, mastering being in the right time at the right place changes not only your world but others worlds into their destiny too.

By God's Grace

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