Saturday, October 20, 2018

I Identify with Moses


Likely because of my "Burning Bush" experience on Mt. Shasta in the summer (August) of 1970 when I climbed Mt. Shasta to the top.

But, it's more than that. It's also being a "Golden Boy" in my religion and falling from Grace by being asked to leave my religion because I was too progressive for them.

There is idealism and then there is reality and I became a "Sacrifice" for my generation. So, in some ways it is like Moses being sent to the desert, becoming a Sheepherder and meeting his wife and then Meeting the Burning Bush in his life.

Except I didn't meet my 1st wife then.

One must have the "Willingness" to follow God wherever God leads you in order to understand what I'm saying here.

By listening to God and following God's directions I made it to the present. I was 22 in 1970 when I climbed Mt. Shasta. But, now it's 2018 and I'm much older but I'm still willing to follow God even if I have to live 100,000 years in this lifetime on earth or more.

Will that happen?

Couldn't say, because each of us can only live one moment, one day at a time in the heart of God.

By God's Grace

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