Thursday, October 25, 2018

We are seeing the beginning of Mass Migrations planet wide now

Do you see the group from Hondurus and Central America walking north now towards the U.S?

Well. They are only one group of mass migrations happening planet wide. Most groups are family units or individuals leaving corrupt governments and places where food and water is killing people or where gangs have corrupted governments to the point where people cannot safely survive there.

As weaker governments collapse one by one around the world caused by Global Climate Change and overpopulation this will be repeated over and over again throughout this century and next.

So, be prepared for migrations worldwide of people trying to survive overpopulation, climate change, corrupt governments and gangs. This is what our future holds worldwide the next few centuries as people desperately struggle to survive overpopulation and climate change worldwide.

So, be prepared for Central American Governments and many African and Middle Eastern Governments to collapse this century and the next and prepare for terrorists to take up residence in 20 to 50 different locations around the world when those governments are collapsing or about to collapse and prepare for warlords and terrorists to be in those areas as lawlessness increases in 3rd world nations worldwide this century and the next.

There is really nothing to stop all this now with presidents like Trump coming into power around the world and making everything 10 times worse for all poor people on earth, white included.

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