Wednesday, July 24, 2019

I was told this as a young man

If you can always be a gentleman and always be ethical and kind and get ahead in a good and honorable and ethical and kind way.

However, if everything goes wrong in your life then you have to do whatever it takes to survive and to get ahead.

I find many people get so stuck in the first way of doing things that their lives often come to an end rather quickly somewhere between 18 and 30 because they are not thinking outside of the box enough to survive whatever comes.

Especially here in the U.S. this is a problem because we are growing up often in Disneyland compared to the rest of the world.

But, unless you are adaptable and a survivor by nature or intent often being nice just doesn't cut it especially during wars or calamities of various kinds.

So, my short take on all this is: "Be as kind as you can to all beings but still survive no matter what!"

Because this is much more realistic in life than anything else I can say.

So, Be kind but always be very adaptable too. This is how the human race has survived literally everything we have faced down through time.

Also, if you are not always looking for opportunities in life often you don't survive very long on this planet.

So, Be Kind but still be an opportunist so you can survive so your kids can grow up and have a chance too.

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