Thursday, June 11, 2020

The Problem:

Is that Trump is either a card carrying KKK member like his Dad was or he is a sympathizer of everything KKK or Confederate one of the two.

But, how do we deal with someone who is proving himself to be anti-constitutional more and more each day. Even Military leaders are having to break with him publicly at this point because he sounds more and more like a Hitler and less and less like a President every day.

It's at the point where I'm not sure that we can have a peaceful transfer of power between Trump and the next president who is likely to be Biden next fall. So, what is going to happen? Well. If Trump doesn't leave and burns down the White House or something like this then the Generals will have to step in with the National Guard and Federal Troops which looks like might happen at this point to remove Trump in the Fall or Winter (likely while 100,000 to 300,000 people die of coronavirus from September to October which Trump will be blamed for too(whether or not that is fair) because president are always held accountable for whatever happens on their watch whether they did it or not.

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