Friday, February 12, 2021

Does it change a person to know for sure that they have a soul?


You are never never the same again even if you theoretically knew you had a soul, to find out that you really really do have a soul changes everything.

It's sort of like if you were raised in the jungle and never saw a jet plane before and then one day you bought a ticket at an airport and then flew in that jet plane somewhere on earth.

No one is ever going to convince you that that never happened after that even if they have never seen a plane before. 

Once you know from experience that something is true it is true forever.

By God's Grace

However, what a soul actually is is likely much different in many ways than what people believe in religions around the world.

It's not that they are all completely wrong. They all have a part of what the truth is (just not all of it).

That's why I think the most important thing a person can do is to be a truth seeker because you really cannot find 100% truth in any one religion.

But, I suppose you can have faith and talk to God every day whether you are in a religion or not. This talking to God every day is what I do that is the main reason I'm still alive at 72. I talk to God and angels all the time and they tell me what's important to do next in life. So, because of this I'm still alive at 72.

By God's Grace

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