Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Firefly Lane on Netflix is in the top 10 there. I find I like watching this because of the era but also sometimes feel traumatized by it as well

Because I was alive during all the times they show in this movie. So, I met people like them both as well as their mothers and even dated people like both the girls mothers at different times in my life. So, watching this on multiple levels is both entertaining for me and at the same time traumatizing as well by dredging up memories from my past when I was a somewhat different person than now.

Often with things of the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s I have no idea what to do with many or most of those memories.

There is a funny or sad quote about the 1960s and 1970s which is: "IF you can remember that era you weren't there."

Like I said this is both sad and funny but more true that most people would like to admit. 

So, watching Firefly Lane is at best a bittersweet experience for me but it's better than feeling nothing at all during covid.

How do most people feel during Covid: NUMB (from the constant every day trauma of it all)

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