Monday, February 15, 2021

If you are in "compose view" at Blogspot ( you are in the autoencoder mode where you don't have to directly compose in HTML

 Most of the time I am in compose mode for this reason. Lately (since 2007) I haven't been programming directly in HTML every day like I was between summer of 1999 until I got this free site in 2007 in the fall.

But, sometimes you need to be in HTML I find here at blogspot( when you need to generate Links (word buttons) that are usually in blue or purple that you can click on. For some reason it is much harder to generate Links and word buttons through other means. I think it is a way actually to reduce the number of bloggers on social media more than anything else worldwide. So, I see it in some ways as an insidious change to blogging and social media in general worldwide.

So, once again only the most technically savvy amongst us will be able to properly communicate worldwide. And paradoxically that might protect a lot of people from sharing information that could be fatal to them worldwide too.

How PTSD or stoned do you have to be to participate in a Capitol Riot and publicize your obvious Crimes with video you took with your smartphone?

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