Sunday, February 14, 2021

including establishing for the first time there were over a dozen strains of the virus in Wuhan already in December 2019

 including establishing for the first time there were over a dozen strains of the virus in Wuhan already in December

end partial quote from:

How could there have been over 1 dozen Strains in Wuhan as of December 2019? The only way this could be true is if coronavirus had been terrorizing other parts of China for about the previous year or more already. Everything tells us this from our experiences of the last year or so worldwide.

Begin 2nd quote from Same URL as above:

The slow emergence of more detailed data gathered on the WHO's long-awaited trip into China may add to concerns voiced by other scientists studying the origins of the disease that it may have been spreading in China long before its first official emergence in mid-December.

end quote:

Yes. Of Course it has been rummaging around China for much much longer. One of the strange

things about China is the fact that 200 to 300 million Chinese have tuberculosis and some of them have the kind is incurable. So, a coronavirus in these kinds of conditions could truly do something like this as long as it stayed in the poorer classes of farmers and country people which also would explain this fact better too. Because they also have 300 million people who are upper class and middle Class more like the U.S. But, it's hard for Americans to imagine any country with 200 million to 300 million people with Tuberculosis in ANY country. But, in the end there are 1.4 to 1.8 billion people in China which is why this is all true.

But, 12 varieties of Coronavirus in December 2019 in Wuhan?

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