Monday, February 1, 2021

McConnell might take back the Republican party for sane people after all

 The U.S. needs desperately a healthy two party system with Sane people in both parties. Greene should be in Trump's patriot party for insane people believing in Conspiracy theories not in the Grand Old Party.

So, will McConnell Take back the Republican party after Trump and Greene completely trashed it into a   GOP insane asylum? Time will tell.

Both the Democratic and Republican parties being healthy and sane are necessary for the U.S. to chart an even keel for it's ship of state.

New and progressive Ideas from the Democratic party have to be tempered with more conservative tried and true ideas from the Republican party. (At least this is the way it was in the 20th Century). So, without both a healthy Republican and Democratic party the ship of state might be in trouble long term.

I hope McConnell and Romney and a few others can get back their party to the more traditional and conservative sane values that were always 1/2 of the survival equation long term for the American Ship of State.

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