Friday, February 12, 2021

Spiritual and Religious conditioning as a child

 There is an analogy where you see every quality you have developed or been conditioned by through others conditioning you has a good side and a bad side sort of like a coin. 

For example, you might be physically strong and agile and then you might go kill people with that or you might join and army to defend your country or become a policeman to defend your neighborhood or other neighborhoods.

So, what I'm saying here is what you do with what happens and happened to you growing up is entirely up to you in the end. 

Because of this taking personal responsibility for whatever happened to you rather than spending your whole life as a victim of your parents and everyone else who conditioned you is often a matter of life or death for you and others in your life.

Reparenting yourself where you become your own parent (at the same time often) that you are parenting children yourselves in your early 20s or even 30s often happens to people.

AT this point (whenever it occurs) you realize that only YOU can take responsibility for all your thoughts and actions and this permanently changes how you see everything in your life and what you do with your life from then on.

I chose to not get angry and kill people for what they did to me. Why?

Because I realized that mostly what was done to me was done in good faith and through ignorance.

Therefore to seek revenge on people for what they had done to me made no logical sense to me.

However, if people had intentionally harmed me then that might have changed what I decided to do as an adult.

And those when I was really young who had tried to kill me I never really knew and likely someone else killed them or they likely went to jail at some point anyway by the time they were 20 years old.

So, what I'm saying here is find a way to use the spiritual and religious conditioning you experienced growing up to make your life better along the way.

You can react to all the things that happened or will happen to you anyway you choose so choose very carefully because in some ways it might be a life or death choice for you.

Take some time and give deep thought to this because you are literally beginning to engineer how your whole life turns out.

I was lucky because I was always very intelligent like my father and very intuitive in a common sense way like my mother so because of this I survived and eventually I survived very well because I made good enough choices to actually survive my life ongoing.

It's true we have to have enough breaks in our life to survive our lives and some people don't get those breaks and don't survive for one reason or another.

However, if you have the physical and mental health and intelligence and are spiritually evolved enough to survive your lives why not do it?

Why not make your life a wonderful thing like I have of mine?

By God's Grace

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