Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Why Fukushima will be a nuclear disaster area for 25,000 to 50,000 years ongoing:

 If you understand what rain does when it hits land you understand that all rivers (above ground and underground) tend to head towards the nearest ocean if they can. All rain Water tries to return to the sea if it can or be evaporated back into the air (usually one of the two over time).

So, because of the three meltdowns where radioactive rods melted through into the ground and just kept melting the ground and going deeper ever since because that's what they tend to do when a meltdown occurs. Then you have water tables of rain water going underground towards the ocean from springs and above ground rivers ongoing as rain falls on land and heads towards the ocean in Fukshima.

So, even though the Meldowns could have melted into the earth for who knows how many feet deep they will be there still melting down for the next 25,000 to 50,000 years because one of them was and is reprocessing Weapons grade plutonium which has a half life of 25,000 years.

So, we are dealing with a 25,000 to 50,000 year disaster that will continue to send radiation into the ocean there ongoing.

This is why I consider these three meltdowns at least 10,000 times worse than Chernobyl, simply because Chernobyl is far from any ocean on earth and Fukushima was an ocean cooled nuclear power plant always right on the ocean at the border of the land and the ocean.

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