Monday, April 19, 2021

It might be difficult to live in Hawaii now if you have family and friends on the mainland

Though I have always loved the Hawaiian Islands and have lived there up to a year at a time I found eventually I always got "Island Fever" even when I lived on the Big Island of Hawaii in 1974 in Hilo, Hawaii then. The Queen's Bath I got to swim in with friends visiting from Alaska and my wife and then baby son then. But, some time after that the Queen's bath was covered over with more lava and is gone now. It was on the south side of Hawaii if you drive  past Volcanoes National Park if you are driving from Hilo if you want to know where it was once located.

Here is Lava covering the Queen's Bath in 1987.

Begin quote quote from:

Lava flow enters Queens Bath, Kilauea Volcano, 1987

Glowing lava flowing down a stream channel with tall rock banks.People watch from the bank tops.

Detailed Description

Bystanders watch steam rising from Queens Bath as lava flow enters the water. Lava overran Highway 130 at 0748 Hawaii Standard Time on the same morning at the western margin of the Kapa'ahu flow. By the end of the day, Punalu'u heiau was overrun, and Queens Bath was filled with lava.


Image Dimensions: 3072 x 2048

Date Taken: 

Location Taken: HIUS


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