Monday, April 12, 2021

What Year did Arcane bring Captain Forward and Lieutenant Back to in Shambala?

 On one level it likely doesn't matter because Shambala doesn't exist in Time and Space which is why people never die there. But, if I was to hazard a guess it would be sometime between 2021 and 3000 AD because of the present Age of Arcane which is 3000 to 4000 years lived in real time when he goes and picks up the Captain and the Lieutenant from near the Pentagon in 2080 AD and saves their lives and thereby Arcane prevents a Time War between 2080 and 1992 between the 2 pentagons of the U.S.

Though it is the same Pentagon (somewhat) it is different Generals that are there around 100 years later of all the Armed Forces of the U.S.

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