Friday, September 3, 2021

Could Covid and Weather warfare be a way that nations are reducing the populations of earth?

 Of Course!

However, it's sort of like the Kennedy Assassination in November of 1963 in Dallas, Texas. We never got the truth about this recognized by our government either. So, even if Covid and Weather warfare are real things going on now worldwide to reduce world populations as much as possible during this century no one that can prove this likely will be left alive by the biggest countries on earth.

So, in some ways each of us have to find ways to survive all this all on our own. If you live near big fire areas or places really wet or places that can get Hurricanes or Tornadoes you might want to reconsider where you live now. Younger people who often live at their parent's homes or in apartments or rental units of various kinds can be more mobile than people over 40 or 50 who might have already raised their children to college age or after already. So, people can go literally anywhere that they might feel safe to be in the U.S. or beyond if they are financially able to.

Because of this people under 40 are more apt to survive these events (if they stay logical intuitive and clear headed) during these times the next 10 to 100 years or more simply because they are capable of being more mobile under 30 or under 40 years of age.


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