Monday, September 20, 2021

The Scientific Method

 Francis Bacon who was the Illegitimate son of Queen Elizabeth I was the father of the Scientific Method by the way in the 1500s I believe or the early 1600s.

The basic Idea is this: 

You break all facts that you read or people tell you into:




So, you wind up with an infinite (literally) amount of hypotheses. For me I put literally everything into this category including precepts of all religions and anything anyone tells me if I'm not sure about it.

Then you wind up with a few Theories (which means you get more evidence that some of these hypotheses are true and some are not.

And then after something is a theory and you finally have enough evidence you move some theories into laws when they have enough evidence to you that they are actually laws for you to follow and use in your life.

By putting all potential facts in the hypotheses box you never entirely get rid of any potential facts. Because sometimes the most outlandish thing you ever hear is actually true.

This has happened so many times to me personally that my adage about life is: 

Truth is ALWAYS stranger than any fiction you could write!

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