Sunday, March 20, 2022

I think it's more likely that this is another Cold War which killed 100 million people between 1945 and 1991 than a third world war


Even though Putin is acting really nuts and that Ukraine is not Chechnya or Georgia or Syria I still think the actual threat of a nuclear war is just too much for Putin or Xi or Biden or the EU to consider.

The end of life on earth or turning the earth into an asteroid belt should give everyone pause at this point. But, maybe not Putin in his present state of mind. After all, he wrote a book about doing exactly what he is doing now within the last few years. This is exactly what he said he would do in his book so this is something to think about too.

If you want to understand Putin better maybe you should get a copy of his book in English to understand better what makes him tick?

I'm not sure this is the right one but this looks to me the most recent and by the title makes the most sense that this is the one educated people are talking about reading or listening to. Just make sure you get one translated into English.

The World Order: New Rules or a Game without Rules: Putin talks to Valdai Club in Sochi by [Vladimir Putin]

The World Order: New Rules or a Game without Rules: Putin talks to Valdai Club in Sochi Kindle Edition

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