Sunday, March 20, 2022

Is it better to write by hand or on a keyboard?

 It depends upon what you are doing. I don't usually write long hand anymore because I have had tendonitis since I was 32 years old from building houses with my hands. So, now writing by hand can be painful and even typing if I type too long can be painful too. However, writing gives me a lot of pleasure to get my thoughts down on various subjects. It makes my whole life run smoother when I write a little every day.

The quality of what you write often is better when you write longhand I have noticed. When you are just typing you are often typing at the speed you can talk as well. AT least this is true for me ever since I took a typing class in the 7th grade around 1960. My first home computer with a keyboard was 1978 TRS-80 from Radio shack but it didn't have a word processor program with it so mostly I was writing Code in the Basic Computer language then. I didn't have my first real computer until 1987 I bought an IBM Clone AT Computer and a color printer for around 2500 Dollars in Silicon Valley near San Jose then here in California. And good Word processing programs took a long time to evolve even after that.

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