Sunday, March 20, 2022

Now is a good time to write down your experiences: Whatever they might be

 When you write down what you are experiencing in your life it helps you put in order all your feelings and experiences in a more useful context for yourself and your family often. If you are younger often writing will help you make more sense of what you are experiencing and if you keep what you wrote it will make more sense to you long term as well. 

When I look back at my own life it is like I have been 100 different people. Why?

Because I can remember being 2 years old in 1950 in Seattle which is a completely different time than now. I can remember being 2 years old like it was yesterday. I can remember how much I wanted my father to love me and to give me his attention because he was working all the time supporting me and my mother and grandmother at the time. I can remember holding on to the back seat of his 1941 Buick that had been his brothers and was a car he raced on the streets before he died in a plane Crash?

I can remember that there were no light signals then in Seattle, Washington and the street signals had arms that moved like a train signal from ONLY "Stop" to "GO" which meant some people might run into each other during the transition because there was no "Yellow" part of the signal signifying change like now.

So, I'm not sure I saw Green, Yellow and Red light signals until we moved to California in 1952 when I was 4 years old.

I can look back at being 10 years old and see how I'm basically the same person as who I was at 10 years old except I have a lot more experience and psychological Armor than I did then and I'm now almost 6 foot 5 inches tall which is much different than then too. I can remember growing from 5 foot 2 at age 12 to 5 foot 10 in one year which was quite a change for me too.

I can remember getting my teeth capped in front because I had broken off my adult top two teeth in a bicycle accident when I hit a parked car I didn't see at age 9 so I had to wait until I was 15 to get my front teeth capped and after that girls sought me out to be their boyfriend, even though it's true some girls sought me out to be their steady even when I was 10.

So, all these "lifetimes" and more I remember now and each new place I have lived in New Mexico, Seattle, Northern and Southern California and Hawaii on the Big Island and Maui is like another lifetime that I have lived as Fred, Freddie or Fredric depending upon what people called me at that stage of my life.

So, writing what your experiences are of your life is for you and your family and possibly even for your friends to better understand what your life has been like all along.

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