Sunday, March 20, 2022

It looks like I stopped writing "The Alien War" on November 11th 2021. However, here are Links or Word Buttons to all the Chapters and a commentary from today

For me, this has always not been fiction. So, as I write it I'm just channeling what Arcane (Saint Germain) has written through me. This is my experience.

So, when I began writing this book I thought this would be about the "Alien War" which is a fictitious war created so humans don't go extinct by fighting about unuseful things.

However, now I'm fully horrified simply because I realize that they have gotten to Putin and his plan is to drastically reduce the populations of the human race. Putin, that is.

To me, this is pretty horrific because we might see nuclear weapons or chemical weapons and all the things that humans have tried to make illegal.

The other thing we might see now is 1/2 of the population of earth dying (mostly from starvation) during the next 20 years (or until Putin is out of office or dies).

On top of all this we have literally no idea what Xi of China is going to do too. So, he might think it's a great time to try to take over Taiwan for example, sometime in the next 5 years.

Either way, if you study what is happening worldwide right now millions more are bound to starve because of what's happening to energy and food prices worldwide within the next year or so.

So, from my present vantage point, Putin is being allowed to devastate the earth in order to reduce world populations by 1/2. This is how I presently see what is happening.

So, whether you believe the Galactic Earth Park Rangers are allowing this or the United Nations are allowing this or however you see it it presently believe only 4 billion humans will still be alive on earth by 2050. The primary cause of this is of course overpopulation but it's secondary causes will be wars it looks like now too which will only get worse because of all the starvation worldwide.

This century is starting to look as difficult as the 20th Century was also for Earth. I hope I'm wrong about that.


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