Sunday, March 20, 2022

Putin's Russia appears to be either killing or imprisoning Ukrainian citizens in remote areas of Russia now

I believe it was Mariupol where people were first rounded up and taken to a remote location in Russia. First, their cell phones and passports were taken from them so they have no proof of who they are or way to contact their loved ones.

However, this reminds me more of what happened to Jewish people when they were rounded up and all their possessions taken and gassed in Concentration camps too during World war II. So, this might be what Putin is ordering too. Putin reminds me more of Hitler every day in his tactics.

For example, the Hypersonic missiles into Ukraine reminds me of Hitler Buzz Bombing London with V-1 and V2 missiles. Same thing. Then the English had to send their kids all into the countryside to friends and relatives so they didn't die then. This time the Ukrainians are sending their women and children out of the country so they all aren't killed or sold into White Slavery by Putin this time too. Although when women and children aren't protected by their men almost anything can happen when women and children are unfamiliar with areas they are sent to. But, leaving Ukraine is a life or death decision so I believe leaving Ukraine and having a chance to stay alive is better than a bomb or missile one day.

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