Saturday, March 19, 2022

The problem with Hypersonic Cruise missiles: First they go 5 times the speed of Sound

You might ask: "Why is this a problem?"

It wouldn't be a problem except that the sonic boom from 5 times the speed of sound is a weapon in itself.

What do I mean by this?

Imagine something like this flying over Los Angeles. First, the sonic boom of 5 times the speed of sound likely could kill some people by itself depending upon the person if you were within 5 miles vertical or horizontal to it when it went by.

2nd: it would blow out every ear drum in every human being within 5 miles of it vertically or horizontally from it especially if they were outside and unprotected. So, no one would be able to hear that was outside when it went by within 5 miles vertically or horizontally to it.

3rd: It would break every window within 5 miles of it vertically or horizontally to it and blow up all steam boilers in the area that were in use, including on board any steam powered ocean going vehicles.

So, if one just flew over Los Angeles every window would break within 5 miles of it, including all car windows not bulletproof to begin with. So, you would have a lot of people below skyscrapers cut and some killed by falling glass when all the windows blew out from the sonic concussion.

And this is ALL BEFORE it hits something and blows it up like the Army barracks killing Ukrainian soldiers today.

Also, on top of all these problems most of them likely cannot be shot down with other missiles because other missiles mostly don't go that fast to begin with. So, it's possible nothing the Ukrainians have will shoot down something like this when it is coming. 

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