Saturday, March 19, 2022


When we are born we ALL are natural intuitives.

But then, most cultures destroy this in us as a way of manipulating us to be more easily controlled as children.

And as a direct result this eventually kills many of us along the way.

So, in the Celtic Culture my mother and grandmother raised me in here in America I was allowed to be a natural intuitive and this wasn't trained out of me in order to manipulate and control me.

My Grandmother was Scottish and my mother (because her mother and father were from Scotland was full blooded Scottish. And they both believed in seeing angels as a natural course of life and living.

So, even as a 2 year old if I talked to them about the angels I saw they didn't tell me that angels didn't exist. If I saw elves or fairies or anything else like gnomes or things like this they didn't tell me I couldn't see these things.

As a direct result I never lost my intuitive abilities like most children do. When you lose this ability because others want to control you in various ways, it often eventually causes your death.

Because to be controlled in this way is the beginning of suicide and death for human beings.

So, I'm one of the lucky ones who was allowed to continue to be an intuitive all my life.

My mother and grandmother told me to NEVER talk about what I saw to other people outside of the family because it could get bad.

They were right (as a child) to tell me this because it was an incredible form of protection for me ongoing.

So, if you have a child and they tell you of the angels they see encourage them and tell them not to talk to people outside of their immediate family who can also see angels. This will protect them all their lives like it did me too all my life.

By God's Grace

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