Friday, September 23, 2022

How do I deal with people who don't believe in God?

 It's easy for me now but it wasn't always. I think the change took place while I was trying not to commit suicide between 21 and 25 years of age. I began to realize just how many belief systems that people had around me, some functional and some not.

I began to realize just how very hard it is to stay alive one more moment or one more day for so many people and that they didn't believe about life necessarily what I believed and likely never would.

So, I began to realize that even if someone believes that the moon is made of Green Cheese or something like that if that belief keeps them alive then more power to them in trying to stay alive.

Likewise, I often meet agnostics or atheists and mostly they have had  bad experiences like being molested in church or psychologically abused by ministers or religious people who are basically crazy.

So, the point I got to was that "People need to believe whatever they need to believe in order to stay alive one more moment and one more day."

And so I became much more tolerant of people in general believing almost anything especially after facing suicide myself for several years.

For me, suicide was about extreme disappointment in life.

I was very very very disappointed in many of the people I grew up with and realized just how close minded they were and this broke my heart.

I realized just how different I was from most other people who are not as gifted as I am and this was difficult to face too.

I realized that most people cannot consciously soul travel like I can or go visit heaven realms or live with the angels like I do on a daily basis.

And so for them the earth is more of a hell than it is a heaven. I would say the earth for me is more of a heaven realm and much less of a hell realm for my personal life, especially since I decided to live with the angels the rest of my life at age 21 or so.

So, dealing with people who don't believe in God is pretty easy for me, except I have a lot of trouble dealing with my youngest daughter who is agnostic which I find very painful to deal with.

I often feel I have failed her in some basic way that I wasn't able to instill a Love of God into her life. So, I'm often troubled by this.

For me, believing in God is about not being terrified all the time the way people who don't believe in God generally are.

I prefer not to go through life terrified all the time. So, believing in God and angels is a way to deal with all this.

People often say to me:"How do you know God and angels are real?"

My answer to them is very simple: "How do you know anything including you are real?"

And this usually shuts people up because I'm just as serious about my question as they are about theirs.

By God's Grace

PS in other words we have no knowledge for sure that ANYTHING IS REAL at all.

And while soul traveling I have come to the conclusion that we are just figments of God's imagination anyhow. 

In other words everything we think is physical actually isn't.

We only live inside the mind of God anyhow.

This is my scientific conclusion from Soul Traveling for over 50 years now.

By God's Grace

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