Friday, September 23, 2022

This Blog

This blog I started in 2007 when stopped existing. I had my first blog there from June of 1999 until 2007 when Geocities ended and then I bought from Yahoo Business and have put most of my longer writings there over the years ever since. However, only recently am I having most of my writings edited by a professional who is a friend of my wife's and mine. 

I started blogging in 1999 mostly because I had promised God that if I survived my heart virus in 1998 and 1999 that forced me to retire or die that I would start a blog to praise God for saving my life. So, my original intention was just to share my amazing experiences in life and with God and Angels in gratitude for God saving my life after believing I might die for around 9 months time. In fact, I am the only person I know of with a heart virus during that time that didn't die of it in 1998 and 1999 in California. There might be others but I don''t know of them even.

So, the first blog I had to write code in HTML directly because they didn't have places that I knew about at least then that had automatic Coding engines that at this site is called "Compose". So, for example, at this site intuitivefred888 I can either write HTML code or I can use "compose" to do the same thing in about 1/10th the time. So, I usually use compose except for building Links pages for my readers using HREF HTML Blank Coding templates to build Links pages with.

But, mostly from about 2007 to 2011 I just wrote what I wanted to write completely. However, then I checked my stats (statistics) of who was reading what and realized my readers wanted to read things a little different than I was writing at that time. So, starting in 2011 I went in a very ecological direction caused by the 2011 Tsunami and Earthquake in Japan and starting advocating for people in Japan and Hawaii and California to buy geiger counters to check water and food and air where they were so they could stay alive especially in Japan near Tokyo and Fukushima Nuclear power plant.

So, starting about 2011 my readership really took off and peaked around 2017 with around 100,000 visits per month of people coming to my site to read what I had written or found to share here.

However, then in 2018 I almost died from a medicine going sidewise which is a diuretic I was taking there. I was able to stay out of the hospital when this medicine went sideways but missed a 3 week trip we had planned over a year before to Ireland, Scotland and England. So, I sent my wife and two daughters on this trip and went and stayed in my daughters' apartment in Portland and my son who has a bachelor of Science degree in Nursing from a California CSU nursed me back to health.

But, I could never get back the trip with my daughters who are now 26 and 33 years old and the oldest one is married and lives about 6 months of the year in Europe with her husband and then they live about 6 months in Santa Barbara at a family home here that my wife inherited from her mother when she passed on.

So, though I was very sad to miss that trip with my daughters and wife that I cannot get back now, I survived and didn't die. But, during this time my focus had to be staying alive rather than running my blog. So, when I came back to my blog after almost dying for a month or more my focus became more therapy for myself in staying alive more than anything else rather than making my readers happy like before my health became more difficult to maintain in 2018. So, now it is 2022 almost 2023 and I mostly blog to keep myself mentally disciplined but still try to share what I think is important with my readers too.

By God's Grace

PS Then I had to go into the hospital 2 weeks ago approximately now and my health was bad and I went to the hospital to either die or get better. This was my thought then. However, since then I have gotten much better and even learned that my wife's biological mother is 93 and experienced pretty much what I did and has survived "Sharp as a tack" mentally to 93 years of age. So, I realize now that medical technology is really amazing and that I could still make it to 90 or 100 years of age from my present age of 74.

By God's Grace

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