Monday, February 6, 2023

Buddhist Meditation on Impermanence

 Most people appear to live like they are never going to die. On one level if you aren't thinking like this it is hard to face another day. On the other hand unless you see the world as impermanent you won't value each moment of your lives. So, this is the paradox of life while living in a human body here on earth.

So, the purpose of a Meditation on Impermanence is to move you into a more spiritual or holy place of how you view your life and the lives of all others. So, often Buddhist Monks will do meditations on impermanence to value human life including their own.

In olden days one meditation was to sit and meditate while you are sitting next to a human corpse while it decomposes.

However, with people of today this might just cause those people to go insane. But, in other times this was a meditation for becoming enlightened more in ones life.

But, I cannot imagine doing this after having been raised the way we are in western civilization without maybe going a little crazy or completely insane. But, I guess everyone is going to do what they are going to do in life.

So, the importance of a meditation on impermanence is what happens to us whenever a pet or a person we love or care about dies. We are faced with the impermanence of someone or some pet we loved that is now gone.

Being able to cope with this loss without permanently losing it in one's life is obviously an important skill.

This skill is not learned easily.

For example, I have already lost my father, my mother, my grand mothers, my grandfathers, All my aunts and uncles and about half of my cousins since I'm an only child and now 74 almost 75 years of age.

But, learning to cope with those I love dying all these years isn't easy.

And I have watched people go temporarily insane at the death of a loved one too.

And even I went through a divorce in my early 40s triggered by the death of my own father. So, this is no small thing getting used to people we love dying around us.

So, for many people learning to meditate on impermanence could save their lives or their sanity long term.

By God's Grace

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