Saturday, October 14, 2023

Arcane's house burned down: However

Just remember he's a time traveler. So, when it was soon to burn down Biocom resident in Arcane said: "We need to get into the green sphere and rescue your family." So, Arcane summoned the Green Sphere because he happened to be on another planet when this was occurring and went and rescued his family on Maui. Then he went back in time about a week or so and rented a truck to move all his stuff out of his house that he knew would burn down. He knew as a Time Guard member that he had to let his house burn down for a variety of reasons. But, at least he could rescue all this belongings and his family before the fire occurred. He was able to arrange for a rental house to move all his belongings into also on Maui so at least his family had somewhere to live still on Maui. But, he also has a house in Mt. Shasta and a place in Switzerland too, so he and his family were likely going to be okay no matter what. 

Note: Though he could have had the Green Sphere instantly take all his possessions to the new rental house this might eventually draw too much attention to he and his family here on earth so he moved it all himself with help from Purple Delta 7 and other sentient Robots who decided to help him move his stuff because they were friends of his.

No one could tell that Purple Delta 7 or his other sentient robot friends were not human because there was no way to tell the difference between them and another human being. So, they were safe in doing this there.

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