Monday, October 2, 2023

Being a Life long intuitive is an amazing journey

It started with me reading people's minds when I was 2. I always wondered why people said one thing but actually thought another often. IT's not that people are duplicitous it's that politeness is why people don't all maim and kill each other around the world. Learning when to hold your tongue is how civilizations continue to exist worldwide. But, it took me until I was about 15 years old to finally figure this out.

So, from zero to 15 I often didn't think much of human beings when they thought one thing but said another. However, by 15 and beginning to understand just how important politeness and kindness is to human survival I began to get it.

Luckily, I had good parents to help me with this.

It starts out realizing you are different than most people because your senses are more heightened and realizing that there are many more senses than the 5 they talk about in science books. And even among the 5 senses there are extreme variations of what people are actually aware of.

I learned growing up to telepath with people as I spoke to them. This allowed better communication with everyone. Often I will broadcast to specific drivers when I"m driving a car or truck so we don't have accidents. I can usually feel their minds if they don't know I'm there or aren't aware of what I'm doing.

So, I have avoided many collisions this way. Also, when I'm driving through a forest where there are a lot of deer especially I broadcast (especially at night saying something like) "Get Out of my way" I don't want to hit you by accident and this usually works even though some deer and other animals are distracted by one thing or another sometimes. People sometimes are distracted too and contrary to popular belief it isn't people on Alcohol or drugs that are actually the most dangerous on the road. It is the people who are in extreme grief from a bad breakup with a loved on or a breakup of a marriage or the death of someone close that they love.

So, people in extreme grief are the most dangerous drivers of all and I try to avoid them a lot. I usually don't want to be behind them. I prefer to be far ahead of them. Also, you never want to be alongside of someone in extreme grief or on drugs or alcohol or extremely distracted for any reason. If you are like me you can "Feel" their minds. It's not that you want to know exactly what they are thinking you just want to know that they are aware you are there and that they are competent to drive whatever they are driving so you can stay safe on the road.

This is all just a part of the journey of an Intuitive through life. In other words being an intuitive helps you to stay alive and healthy every day of your life in some way. 

By God's Grace

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