Saturday, October 14, 2023

I can see by my top ten articles that the last time we dealt with ISIS was about 10 years ago now

 The way that Hamas conducted itself likely shows that some of the Isis Members who take Xanax before battle so they can kill without remorse or care is likely what we just saw in Israel too.

Only ISIS (that I know of) used Xanax on children so they wouldn't worry when they strapped a bomb to these children so they would blow themselves up because they were unafraid on Xanax. I researched this regarding ISIS around 2013 or 2014 then. So, many children who they strapped bombs on to kill themselves were not really ISIS at all but kidnapping victims that they drugged with Xanax and sent to their deaths.

IF you understand the terror that the hostages might be feeling, imagine if Hamas like Isis overdoses hostages with Xanax while they are terrified and then sends them in to blow up Israeli soldiers. 

I think Israel needs to be prepared for this because I think this might be what happens next if they are continuing to follow the plans of Isis in the form of Hamas.

But, the hostages would not be sane but in some kind of dream from an overdose of Xanax like Hamas soldiers likely were too. I think Israel needs to be aware that this could happen and do what is necessary to protect their soldiers from this.

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