Tuesday, October 3, 2023

I think McCarthy has broken too many agreements with too many members of Congress

 In Short, no one trusts him anymore whether Republican or Democrat in the House or Senate. So, his days are numbered as house Speaker. Could something change this? Of Course. But, his track record regarding trust regarding anything regarding Republicans or Democrats likely means he is gone.

But, what will that do to Ukraine and our nation? The inability to govern caused by McCarthy and the Freedom Republican Caucus might not go away even with a new Speaker. So, gridlock might continue no matter who is the Speaker. I can't imagine anyone wanting this job under these conditions.

Speaker Pelosi just demonstrated what a good House Speaker she was every day and McCarthy demonstrated how two faced he was every day to both Democrats and Republicans so likely he is gone.

You have to prove you can be trusted to stay Speaker of the House and McCarthy has failed at trust just like Trump.

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