Wednesday, October 11, 2023

I'm finding what's happening in Israel and Gaza too horrific to blog about

Maybe it's because I'm 75 years old and maybe it's just so over the top on all levels. The problem as I see it is that Israel could easily Cease to be completely in what is happening now. Either Iran might nuke Tel Aviv or Israel could end Tehran both with nuclear weapons. I think this might be what the world is actually facing now. In some ways we all knew we would get here one day because of the dynamics in Israel and surrounding countries.

Israel was always a western Style democracy in a place where democracy mostly doesn't exist (the Middle East). So, right away that was going to be a conflict. If you study how Israel emerged from the ashes and 6 million Jewish people dead in Hitler's holocaust you can see why western nations encouraged Israel to exist. But, the problem was always that Israel was throwing out locals from where they lived for thousands of years and people likely were never going to get over this for a variety of reasons which is why we are now here with Iran likely *(with a nod from Russia) is declaring a proxy war against Israel through Hamas and Hezbollah. So, likely you will see Israeli drones striking Iran soon because they funded all this to begin with. I don't see how this stays localized to Gaza or Israel or Lebanon now. The 2 state solution is over when Israeli women and children were all butchered like this. Israelis won't ever forget this knowing them and all hell is about to break loose way beyond anything we have ever seen in the middle east so far and nukes might not be far behind either which is why so many worry about Armageddon having started last Saturday on the border of Gaza and Israel.

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